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While the challenges faced by each community may be distinct, there are a wealth of resources available from federal and state governments, as well as from private enterprises. Depending on the condition of your existing housing inventory, the state of the local economy, or the availability of jobs, this guide will provide an overview of the types of programming and funding sources that can help you respond to change and foster growth.

DOLA administers federal funds to construct new housing and rehabilitate existing properties, as well as voucher programs for low- and moderate-income renters. DOLA works in partnership with other government agencies and private enterprises to provide opportunities for first-time homeowners, community service organizations, and affordable housing developers.

The programs and organizations described here can guide local jurisdictions to tailor their regulations and policies to promote growth, attracting business to generate income, develop infrastructure, and provide for the social needs of their communities.


The U.S. Department Of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Housing cost increases are of concern to HUD, as both production costs and the need for rental assistance vouchers escalate. HUD is focused on advancing policies that create opportunity for people across the country, to create a solid foundation for the next 50 years. Their mission is to promote homeownership, support community development, and increase access to affordable housing, free from discrimination.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Rural Development (RD) funds a variety of programs that promote rural homeownership, including self-help housing; housing repair and rehabilitation; and rural housing direct loans. RD also assists with the development of multi-family rental housing, including farm labor housing; rural rental housing; rural loan guarantee programs; housing preservation; and rental assistance programs. Additionally, RD provides opportunities in community development and empowerment; business and cooperatives; and community facilities.

Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB)

FHLBs can assist affordable housing projects with loans made at a lower rate than those available through the commercial lending market. These Affordable Housing Program (AHP) loans are often the first piece of funding committed to a project, and are available for purchase, construction, rehabilitation or refinancing of very low– to moderate-income rental housing.

For rental projects, at least 20 percent of the units must be occupied by and affordable to households at or below 50 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI). Funds may also be used for additional units that target households at or below 80 percent AMI. For ownership housing, households must earn less than 80 percent AMI.

Another product of the FHLB system is the Community Investment Program (CIP). Through this resource, banks and thrifts that are member banks may borrow advances at a discounted interest rate or request letters of credit from their regional FHLB. Lenders may then use these advances to fund pre-development costs, purchasing, construction, rehabilitation, or refinancing of housing that will serve households earning up to 115 percent AMI. It may include rental units if at least 51 percent of those units serve income-eligible households. Manufactured housing subdivisions or parks may also be eligible under the above criteria.The Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka provides these services in Colorado.

Colorado State Housing Board

The Colorado State Housing Board was created in 1970 to advise the General Assembly, the Governor, and the Division of Housing on Colorado housing needs. The seven-member State Housing Board reviews financing requests and adopts regulations governing factory-built structures and multi-family housing in counties with no building codes. The Board also sponsors research reports for use by the public, legislators, and the Governor. The Board generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at 1313 Sherman St., Room 318, Denver, CO 80203. Please check the website for updates or changes to the schedule.

Colorado Division of Housing (DOH)

The Colorado Division of Housing is located within the state Department of Local Affairs, and provides financial and technical support to organizations throughout the state that are committed to serving Colorado’s most vulnerable citizens and communities. The mission is to ensure that all Coloradans have access to safe, affordable housing.

DOH offers funding opportunities for rehabilitation and new construction of housing to public housing authorities, local governments, and both non-profit and private developers. It supports, licenses, and regulates the factory-built construction industry, including the provision of building department services where none exist, and the adoption and enforcement of building codes for factory-built structures.

In concert with local housing authorities and non-profit service organiza­tions, DOH provides rental subsidies and down payment assistance to bridge the gap between household income and the cost of living by creating a safety net for those most at-risk with funding for senior and special needs housing and the homeless office.

DOH provides gap funding for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction of affordable housing.

DOH provides grants and loans from both state and federal funds. Before applying, please contact your regional Housing Development Specialist, who will help you in the planning process and direct your program or project to the right funding source based on timing, availability of funds and Division funding priorities.


All application cycles are competitive. DOH accepts applications by the 1st of every month.

  • Monthly: Rental acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction.
  • July 1st: Single-family Owner-occupied (SFOO) housing rehabilitation programs
  • September 1st: Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) operating funds.
  • November 1st: Down payment assistance (DPA) programs, including Homeownership subdivision development.

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